Part of the adventure of being a homeowner is having the chance to decorate every aspect of the house in accordance to your liking. Everything from the garden, the roofing, the flooring, right up to the walls are up for personalisation in accordance to your fancy. One of the biggest choices in this regard, is choosing colour schemes inside the house. Which paint to use and which colours to choose?

    Choosing a Colour Scheme

    Decorating rooms around the home with a particular colour scheme in mind can be quite the tricky task. With so many available options, and spur of the moment ideas popping about here and there, it is fairly easy to fall victim to option paralysis. Even worse, you can end up uncomfortably juxtaposing one colour against the next just because there are too much colours you fancied.

    When it comes to painting your home’s interior, as with overall decorating, it is important to always let your personality shine through in the theme. It is, after all your home, and as such should reflect your distinct personality.

    Colour Cohesion

    A hodgepodge of various colours mixed together will only serve to give home interiors a disorganised feel in terms of colour scheme.

    As every room has its own distinct features, it is only natural to want to add a touch of variety to colour tones from room to room. It is, however, something that you should do in moderation. No radical colour changes from room to room, mind you. Each one must blend seamlessly into the next.

    You need to have an organised colour scheme in order to have a relaxing vibe to your home. Overly dramatic colour scheme changes may add to visual stress, making the interior less appealing or relaxing to come home to.

    Barker-Whittle are the premiere masters of painting and decoration. We provide lasting solutions for your home needs. Contact us today and bring colour and life into your homes.

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